
 Exhibition preparation stage: from 30/3 / 2022 -31 / 3/2022 and hours 08: 00-23: 00.


Exhibition Dismantling Stage: 4/4/2022


The construction of the exhibition spaces is done, either through MACT MEDIA GROUP (trace on the ground with a standard structure), or is done by the exhibitor himself (trace on the ground). For exhibition traces on the ground, a necessary condition for the receipt of the space is the submission of a responsible declaration for the good and safe operation of the construction works and the electrical installations accompanied by an Electrical Installation Plan and a Copy of the Electrical License of the competent Ministry. The approval of these plans will be done by the competent Services of MACT MEDIA GROUP Provided that the plans will be submitted in time and within a reasonable time before the installation of the exhibitor. The non-approval of the plans by the competent services of MACT MEDIA GROUP., Obliges the exhibitor to the adaptations or modifications that will be indicated to him by the competent services of MACT MEDIA GROUP.


After the closing of the exhibition, the exhibitors must transport outside the space of the Exhibition Center Peristeri, anything they had placed or constructed inside the space they had used (two hundred in general) and deliver the space in the condition in which they received it.
